Christmas discount electric mountain bikes Still worry about Christmas gift?Now there is a good news for you-€50 coupon for all of our electric bikes online,the carnival will last between December,12th to January,6th.We have a warehouse in Europe so it will take you 3-7 days to receive the electric bicycle,besides,we provide free shipping. There are three types of electric bicycles-men’s electric mountain bike,ladies electric mountain bike,складной электрический велосипед,all of them have good quality and urban design,integrated with 250w brushless motor and 9Ah big capacity lithium battery,we believe you will have a different riding! The shipping country include UK,Belgium,Ireland,Luxembourg,Netherlands,France,Германия,Austria,Denmark,Finland,Italy, Portugal,Spain,Sweden,Bulgaria,Czech,Estonia,Greece,Hungary,Latvia,Lithuania,Poland,Romania,Slovakia,Slovenia. To get…